welcome Cerritos  Sleeper teams

Hello Drivers, We built this page to share any and all information that will help you do your job safely and get you and your partner home in good health. 

Important Numbers

Cerritos Dispatch - 562-404-3250  562-404-3251 562-404-3252
Sleeper Office - 562-483-8980
CMG - 800-332-9735 OPT 2
SOS Penske - 855-234-7966
La Mirada Penske - 714-522-5949 or 714-522-0829

Using the search function (top, right hand corner) you can search for any hub by alpha, SLIC, city, state and/or facility name.

past quiz rEVIEW Winners

Safety Award Winners
Safety Demo Award Winner
Cerritos Feeder Sleeper Driver
UPS Sleeper Drivers
Award Winning Drivers